It's not here yet, but Winter is on it's way in Colorado. There are of course the tell tale signs of winter - the temperature drops enough to wear a warmer jacket, you see snow on the mountains which inevitably leads to open ski slopes and typically it starts to snow a bit in Denver. We haven't seen any snow in the city...yet, but there was some snow near Breckenridge.
If you read the I Love Fall post, then you realize that the reason I love Winter has more to do with the clothing than it does with the actual weather. You might think me superficial - oh well, you can't please everyone. I wouldn't necessarily say that I enjoy being cold, but I'm not expecting to camp of the North Face of any mountains this winter. It's safe to say that I will be enjoying this winter in the warmth of my own home, my car, a ski lodge or even outside completely bundled up with the sun beating down on my face. Hmmm....the thought of that makes me happy. I know everyone keeps saying that I haven't experienced a Winter in Colorado, but I still think I'm going to like it. As most of you know, I previously lived in Dallas were the weather sometimes got cold, but not nearly enough to justify the following accessory.

But in Colorado, anything goes. Ok, not really. But scarves and hats and other type of winter boots are definitely a must. As you can see, Lola is ahead of the game.